In this few months I have a new hobby, hang out at hot spot internet free area
nearby my home. I didn't go everyday, maybe just 2 or 3 times a week. I spend these time to review my blog, chatting, etc for around 2 or 3 hours.
Honestly it's very interesting.

But there is something always make me uncomfortable for being shit down there, when people around us start to smoke. It's really disturb my concentration, sometimes I apologize them to stop their smoking. Sometimes they respond respectful, but mostly are keep smoking even we (me and my friends)start to swing our hand to blow these smoke. Might be they didn't know the passive smoker is more dangerous impact..

By then, pls stop smoke. Here is some reason and tips "how to stop smoke" ;

The more you know about why you smoke, the easier it will be to quit. You may reach for a cigarette during a stressful commute. Or you may want to smoke when you first wake up in the morning. Learn what your smoking triggers are, and how to handle them.
There are common trigger : frustration, fatique, anger, stress, hunger, boredom or loneliness, drinking or socializing, watching others smoke.

Track Your Smoking Habits

To learn about your smoking habits, track them for a week. Attach a small notebook or piece of paper to your cigarette pack. With each cigarette you smoke, write down the time, where you are, who you’re with, and how you feel.

How to Cope with Your Triggers ;

Change the habits that lead you to smoke. For instance, if you often smoke at a morning break, go for a walk instead.

Distract yourself from smoking. Keep your hands busy by playing with a paper clip or doodling. Keep your mouth busy by chewing on gum or a carrot stick.

Limit contact with people who are smoking. When you eat out, sit in the nonsmoking section.

I hope it will be useful.
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