I open my old e-mails and I found this message, a worth message. And I would like to share it to you again (maybe you have been read it before) ;
One day I decided to quit...
I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality... I wanted to quit my life.
I went to the woods to have one last talk with God.
"God", I asked, "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?"
His answer surprised me...
"Look around", He said. "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?"
"Yes", I replied.
"When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them.
I gave them light.
I gave them water.
The fern quickly grew from the earth.
Its brilliant green covered the floor.
Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.
In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful.
And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.
He said.
"In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed.
But I would not quit.
In year four, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. I would
not quit." He said.
"Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared
to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant...But just 6
months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall.
It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive.
I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle."
He asked me. "Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots".
"I would not quit on the bamboo.
I will never quit on you."
"Don't compare yourself to others."
He said.
"The bamboo had adifferent Purpose than the fern.
Yet they both make the forest beautiful."
"Your time will come", God said to me.
"You will rise high"
"How high should I rise?" I asked.
"How high will the bamboo rise?" He asked in return.
"As high as it can?" I questioned.
"Yes." He said, "Give me glory by rising as high as you can."
I left the forest and brought back this story.
I hope these words can help you see that God will never give up on you.
Never, Never, Never Give up.
For the Christian Prayer is not an option but an opportunity.
Don't tell the Lord how big the problem is,
tell the problem how Great the Lord is!-----
Heavens door open this morning, God asked me... My CHILD...
what can I do for you?" and I said "Daddy please protect and bless the one reading this message.
God smiled and answered ... "request granted ............ ".
Dari tahun ke tahun produk pemutih wajah tetap menggiurkan bagi masyarakat khususnya para kaum hawa.
Mungkin karena adanya anggapan " (tidak) putih itu (tidak) cantik ". Padahal " hitam itu manis lho..." sering terlupakan.
Tak bisa dipungkiri dengan anggapan tsb diatas maka berlomba-lomba jugalah mencoba macam-macam produk pemutih,
sampai kurang memperhatikan apakah produk tsb aman atau malah berbahaya.
Sering kita dengar dan lihat berita dimedia massa ada banyak konsumen yang akhirnya menderita (wajah hancur) karena
sembarangan memakai produk pemutih, tapi sesering itu pula konsumen melupakannya.
Iklan (ingat "iklan selalu berlebihan") di media electronic begitu menggiurkan bahkan dengan menghadirkan saksi-saksi yang berhasil dgn produk tertentu, maka tak heran
konsumenpun kembali beralih dgn memakai produk tsb. Maksud hati mau putih seperti salju, ternyata kulit wajah malah "putih" tak karuan.
Kalau sudah begini, yang rugi tetaplah konsumen.
Jauh sebelum kita mencoba produk-produk pemutih, ada benarnya kita mengerti bahwa Sang Pencipta sudah mengaturnya termasuk warna kulit wajah kita.
Seperti orang-orang Eropa mereka memiliki warna kulit yang putih karena memang jarang terkena sinar matahari (curah sinar matahari kurang disana ) dibandingkan
dengan Indonesia yang terletak di garis khatulistiwa dengan curah matahari yang besar. Dan disinilah pigmen melamin yang berfungsi untuk menyaring radiasi sinar matahari
yang memang melimpah di daerah khatulistiwa. Dengan benteng pigmen itu, kulit kita tidak mudah terbakar saat kena sinar matahari.
Memakai produk-produk pemutih (lebih masuk akal kalau disebut sebagai "produk utk mencerahkan kulit", atau "menghilangkan kulit kusam") mungkin sah-sah saja sejauh kita
memakai produk yang aman dan legal.
Produk "pemutih" kulit sendiri terbagi menjadi tiga kelompok :
1) Kosmetik => disebut kosmetik jika produk itu tidak mempengaruhi fisiologi kulit, seperti sabun.
2) Kosmetisikal => disebut kosmetisikal jika produk itu mempengaruhi fisiologi kulit tapi masih boleh dibeli secara bebas-terbatas, tanpa harus memakai resep dokter.
Contohnya : produk yang mengandung alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), asam glikolat (glycolic acid) 4%, arbutin, dan hidrokuinon 2% (yang disebutkan terakhir ini
belakangan diributkan karena diissukan sudah dilarang pemakaiannya).
3) Kosmetomedik => produk-produk ini mempengaruhi fisiologi kulit dan hanya boleh dibeli dengan resep dokter.
Contohnya : hidrokuinon di atas 2% dan asam retinoat (berapapun kadarnya). Asam retinoat ini di label produk kadang ditulis sebagai tretinoin.
Produk-produk ini sangat mungkin menimbulkan efek samping yang serius sehingga pemakaian harus di bawah pengawasan dokter.
Dalam ilmu kedokteran kulit, yang bisa disebut sebagai pemutih kulit sebetulnya hanya golongan ketiga, yaitu kosmetomedik. Dua golongan pertama, kosmetik dan kosmetisikal,
boleh dibeli bebas tapi tidak sampai membuat kulit lebih putih. "Jadi kalau ada iklan obat bebas yang bisa membuat kulit putih, itu pasti tidak benar". Klaim yang paling
masuk akal adalah "membuat kulit lebih segar, tidak kusam, sehingga tampak lebih cerah, bukan menjadi lebih putih!.
Sebagai contoh, AHA atau asam glikolat. Bahan ini bekerja dengan cara mengelupaskan sel kulit terluar. Setelah terkelupas, secara alamiah sel kulit terluar akan diganti oleh sel kulit baru.
Dengan begitu diharapkan kulit bisa lebih segar sehingga tampak lebih cerah.
Ini beda dengan cara hidrokuinon, cara kerjanya menghambat pembentukan pigmen sehingga kulit lebih terang. Namun dalam kadar besar, hidrokuinon bisa menimbulkan efek buruk dalam kulit
yang sensitif. Itu sebabnya, pemakaian hidrokuinon 4% harus di bawah pengawasan dokter.
So, berhati-hatilah sebelum mencoba sebuah produk yg menjanjikan "membuat kulit lebih putih".
"Ubahlah pikiran Anda, maka dunia Andapun akan berubah dengan sendirinya"
(Norman Vincent Peale, 1898 - 1993).
(Catatan : begitu menemukan dan membaca tulisan ini, segera saya check produk yg biasa saya pakai, dan tidak ada ditemukan tulisan "whitening", or AHA, glikolat,
dan produk ini buatan lokal alias "made in Indonesia".)
"Memang hitam aku, tetapi cantik, hai puteri-puteri Yerusalem"
(Kidung Agung 1 : 5).
Semoga bermanfaat.
Info : Intisari
Apakah batuk itu ?
Ketika Anda menarik napas, umumnya sekelompok partikel-partikel asing, seperti debu, asap, dan polusi udara lain, akan ikut
terhirup dan masuk ke dalam saluran pernapasan. Batuk merupakan bentuk refleks tubuh untuk mengeluarkan benda-benda
asing tersebut atau produksi lendir berlebih yang menganggu saluran pernapasan.
Itu artinya, ketika Anda batuk, tubuh sedang melakukan mekanisme perlindungan dengan berusaha membersihkan saluran
pernapasan dari partikel-partikel tadi.
Penyebab batuk ;
Batuk dapat disebabkan oleh bermacam-macam faktor, diantaranya karena radang atau iritasi pada tenggorokan, sinusitis, alergi terhadap debu
atau partikel lain yang tersebar diudara, kebiasaan merokok atau menjadi perokok pasif, polusi udara, hingga disebabkan infeksi paru-paru, seperti
pneumonia atau bronchitis.
Secara umum batuk juga akan lebih mudah menyerang pada saat pergantian musim, terutama bila terjadi perubahan temperatur udara mendadak
dari musim panas ke musim hujan atau sebaliknya. Pasalnya, pada saat perubahan cuaca seperti itu, bakteri dan virus penyebab batuk berkembang biak
dengan baik, sedang umumnya kondisi tubuh menurun dan lebih rentan terhadap penyakit.
Jenis batuk ;
Mungkin Anda sudah tahu kalau batuk terbagi menjadi dua jenis, batuk kering dan batuk berdahak. Batuk kering timbul karena adanya sensivitas pada bulu-bulu
getar ditenggorokan, misalnya jika timbul alergi yang disebabkan makanan seperti es atau yang pedas-pedas, dengan ciri tenggorokan terasa gatal atau perih.
Sedang batuk berdahak atau batuk basah adalah batuk yang disertai dengan keluarnya lendir. Lendir ini bisa berasal dari terkumpulnya cairan dibagian dada.
Selain itu batuk ternyata juga dibedakan berdasarkan waktunya, yaitu batuk akut dan kronik. Batuk akut adalah gejala yang terjadinya kurang dari tiga minggu dan
biasanya disebabkan flu dan alergi.
Sedang batuk kronik adalah gejala batuk yang terjadi lebih dari tiga minggu dan biasanya disebabkan bronchitis, asma, dan gangguan pada lambung.
Antara batuk dan flu
Batuk seringkali muncul bersamaan dengan flu atau influenza. Sama seperti batuk, flu juga disebabkan oleh virus. Virus ini seringnya berlokasi di hidung.
Gejala flu antara lain sakit kepala, nyeri otot, demam ringan, sakit tenggorokan, batuk, badan lemah dan letih, menggigil, hidung berlendir, dan mata perih.
Seringkali gejala flu diikuti dengan gejala batuk, pada saat seseorang menderita flu, cairan atau lendir yang terkumpul dirongga hidung dapat turun ke tenggorokan
karena masih dalam satu saluran yaitu saluran pernapasan bagian atas.
Virus yang menginfeksi seseorang saat terjadi gejala flu dapat terbawa ke saluran pernapasan yang lebih bawah dan menyebabkan infeksi pada tenggorokan sehingga
meradang, hal ini merangsang produksi lendir pada tenggorokan sehingga menimbulkan gejala batuk. Biasanya gejala ini sering disebut masyarakat sebagai batuk berdahak.
Cara Efektif mengalahkan Batuk ;
Jangan sepelekan batuk. Selain bisa jadi merupakan tanda penyakit serius, batuk yang berlebihan dan sangat keras dapat mengganggu pembuluh di bagian mata dan membuat
otot-otot menjadi regang. Tidak jarang, batuk yang keras pada akhirnya juga mengganggu orang-orang dan lingkungan sekitar Anda.
Dan ini ada beberapa cara efektif untuk mengalahkan batuk ;
1) Banyak istirahat untuk membantu memulihkan kondisi tubuh yang lemah.
2) Perbanyak minum air putih guna menghindari dehidrasi juga mencegah lapisan dalam tenggorokan tidak kering, serta membuat dahak lebih encer sehingga mudah dikeluarkan.
3) Berhenti merokok dan hindari asapnya! Karena asap rokok dapat mengiritasi tenggorokan serta memperparah batuk Anda.
4) Mandi air hangat dapat meningkatkan kadar kelembaban udara dan meringankan batuk kering.
5) Batuk juga dapat diatasi dengan obat yang tepat, antara lain dengan obat-obatan yang mengandung Dextromethorphan dan Guaifenesin.
(Dan jangan lupa sebelum minum obat, berdoalah dulu).
Info : Intisari
In this few months I have a new hobby, hang out at hot spot internet free area
nearby my home. I didn't go everyday, maybe just 2 or 3 times a week. I spend these time to review my blog, chatting, etc for around 2 or 3 hours.
Honestly it's very interesting.
But there is something always make me uncomfortable for being shit down there, when people around us start to smoke. It's really disturb my concentration, sometimes I apologize them to stop their smoking. Sometimes they respond respectful, but mostly are keep smoking even we (me and my friends)start to swing our hand to blow these smoke. Might be they didn't know the passive smoker is more dangerous impact..
By then, pls stop smoke. Here is some reason and tips "how to stop smoke" ;
The more you know about why you smoke, the easier it will be to quit. You may reach for a cigarette during a stressful commute. Or you may want to smoke when you first wake up in the morning. Learn what your smoking triggers are, and how to handle them.
There are common trigger : frustration, fatique, anger, stress, hunger, boredom or loneliness, drinking or socializing, watching others smoke.
Track Your Smoking Habits
To learn about your smoking habits, track them for a week. Attach a small notebook or piece of paper to your cigarette pack. With each cigarette you smoke, write down the time, where you are, who you’re with, and how you feel.
How to Cope with Your Triggers ;
Change the habits that lead you to smoke. For instance, if you often smoke at a morning break, go for a walk instead.
Distract yourself from smoking. Keep your hands busy by playing with a paper clip or doodling. Keep your mouth busy by chewing on gum or a carrot stick.
Limit contact with people who are smoking. When you eat out, sit in the nonsmoking section.
I hope it will be useful.
Info : www.healthline.com
Jika Anda termasuk orang yang tidak teratur makan, malas makan atau cenderung menunda-nunda makan sebaiknya ubah kebiasaan itu. Kebiasaan itu dapat menjadi salah satu penyebab sakit maag.
Penyakit maag atau dalam istilah kedokteran gastiris atau peradangan lambung yang terjadi karena produksi asam lambung berlebihan,sehingga asam lambung yang semestinya membantu proses pencernaan justru merusak dinding lambung.Tingginya asam lambung tersebut juga menyebabkan penderita maag merasakan nyeri pada lambung.
Penderita maag sering menunjukkan beberapa gejala, seperti perut sering kembung, perih sampai ulu hati, sering bersendawa, cepat kenyang, perut keroncongan (borborgygmi), membuang gas dan mual yang terkadang disertai muntah.
Serangan maag sebenarnya bisa dicegah jika penderita mengetahui beberapa faktor yang menjadi pencetusnya, seperti makanan, psikologis dan infeksi bakteri. Untuk mencegah maag, usahakan perut tidak sampai kosong. Sebab tidak adanya bahan makanan yang digiling oleh asam lambung, menyebabkan asam lambung menyerang dinding lambung melalui gerakan peristaltik usus.
Dan beberapa "Tips untuk menghindari sakit maag" adalah :
1) Hindari makanan pemicu sakit maag ;
Hindari makanan terlalu asam, pedas, berlemak, bumbu yang merangsang, minuman beralkohol,kafein, coklat, buah-buahan yang mengeluarkan gas (nangka, durian. Jenis makanan dan minuman tersebut dapat mengiritasi maag.
2) Makan makanan yang menetralisir asam lambung ;
Penderita sakit maag sebaiknya mengonsumsi makanan yang dapat menetralisir asam lambung, misalnya roti susu.
Jika sakit maag sedang kambuh, makanlah makanan lunak yang lebih mudah dicerna, misalnya bubur dalam porsi yang tidak terlampau banyak.
3) Jangan terlambat makan ;
Jangan tunda waktu makan. Jika waktu makan telah tiba, sebaiknya segeralah makan. Jika belum sempat sebaiknya siapkan makanan ringan ditempat Anda sehingga perut dapat diisi sewaktu-waktu.
4) Minum air putih;
Minum air putih sebanyak mungkin akan membantu menetralisir asam lambung yang berlebihan. Ini dapat juga dilakukan dengan mengonsumsi obat yang aman dan efektif mengatasi nyeri lambung.
5) Berolahraga secara teratur ;
Berolahraga atau latihan fisik sangat disarankan bagi mereka yang mengalami gangguan pada lambung, sebab pada dasarnya olahraga dapat merangsang otot-otot lebih aktif termasuk otot perut.
Hal ini akan membuat proses pencernaan maupun pembuangan menjadi lebih baik. Tidak ada olahraga yang disarankan secara
khusus. Namun, jalan cepat ataupun jogging dapat dicoba untuk melatih fisik.
Info : Intisari Aug' 08.
Application :
An application, or application program, is a software program that runs on your computer. Web browsers, e-mail programs, word processors, games, and utilities are all applications. The word "application" is used because each program has a specific application for the user. For example, a word processor can help a student create a research paper, while a video game can prevent that same student from getting the paper done.
In contrast, system software consists of programs that run in the background, enabling applications to run. These programs include assemblers, compilers, file management tools, and the operating system itself. Applications are said to run on top of the system software, since the system software is made of of "low-level" programs. While system software is automatically installed with the operating system, you can choose which applications you want to install and run on your computer.
Bandwidth :
Bandwidth refers to how much data you can send through a network or modem connection. It is usually measured in bits per second, or "bps." You can think of bandwidth as a highway with cars travelling on it. The highway is the network connection and the cars are the data. The wider the highway, the more cars can travel on it at one time. Therefore more cars can get to their destinations faster. The same principle applies to computer data -- the more bandwidth, the more information that can be transferred within a given amount of time.
Stands for "Compact Disc Read-Only Memory." A CD-ROM is a CD that can be read by a computer with an optical drive. The "ROM" part of the term means the data on the disc is "read-only," or cannot altered or erased. Because of this feature and their large capacity, CD-ROMs are a great media format for retail software. The first CD-ROMs could hold about 600 MB of data, but now they can hold up to 700 MB. CD-ROMs share the same technology as audio CDs, but they are formatted differently, allowing them to store many types of data.
Computer programmers, like everybody else, are not perfect. This means the programs they write sometimes have small errors, called "bugs," in them. These bugs can be minor, such as not recognizing user input, or more serious, such as a memory leak that crashes the program. Before releasing their software to the public, programmers "debug" their programs, eliminating as many errors as possible. This debugging process often takes a long time, as fixing some errors may introduce others. Debugging your windshield at a gas station is much easier than debugging a computer program.
E-commerce :
E-commerce (electronic-commerce) refers to business over the Internet. Web sites such as Amazon.com, Buy.com, and eBay are all e-commerce sites. The two major forms of e-commerce are Business-to-Consumer (B2C) and Business-to-Business (B2B). While companies like Amazon.com cater mostly to consumers, other companies provide goods and services exclusively to other businesses. The terms "e-business" and "e-tailing" are often used synonymously with e-commerce. They refer to the same idea; they are just used to confuse people trying to learn computer terms.
Firewall :
The term "firewall" originally referred to fireproof walls that were designed to prevent the spread of fire from one room or building to the next. They were typically made of brick, steel, or another type of inflammable material that would effectively limit the spread of the fire. In the IT world, firewalls do not involve any fire or pyrotechnics, but they serve a similar purpose. A computer firewall limits the data that can pass through it and protects a networked server or client machine from damage by unauthorized users.
Firewalls can be either hardware or software-based. A router is a good example of a hardware device that has a built-in firewall. Most routers can be configured to limit traffic from certain IP addresses or block requests based on other criteria. Software programs that monitor and restrict external access to a computer or network can also serve as firewalls. A network firewall only allows authorized traffic from the Internet to flow in and out of the network.
Gigabyte :
A gigabyte is 2 to the 30th power, or 1,073,741,824 bytes.
It can be estimated as 10 to the 9th power, or one billion (1,000,000,000) bytes. A gigabyte is 1,024 megabytes and precedes the terabyte unit of measurement. Hard drive sizes are typically measured in gigabytes, such as a 160GB or 250GB drive. The term gigabyte is often often abbreviated as simply a "gig" in speech. For example, if you have a 250GB hard drive, you could say, "I have 250 gigs of disk space." The prefix "giga" comes from the Greek word "gigas," meaning giant.
For a list of all the different units of measurements, view this Help Center article.
Abbreviation: GB
Hacker :
While this term originally referred to a clever or expert programmer, it is now more commonly used to refer to someone who can gain unauthorized access to other computers. A hacker can "hack" his or her way through the security levels of a computer system or network. This can be as simple as figuring out somebody else's password or as complex as writing a custom program to break another computer's security software. Hackers are the reason software manufacturers release periodic "security updates" to their programs. While it is unlikely that the average person will get "hacked," some large businesses and organizations receive multiple hacking attempts a day.
Hardware :
Computer hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer and related devices. Internal hardware devices include motherboards, hard drives, and RAM. External hardware devices include monitors, keyboards, mice, printers, and scanners.
The internal hardware parts of a computer are often referred to as components, while external hardware devices are usually called peripherals. Together, they all fall under the category of computer hardware. Software, on the other hand, consists of the programs and applications that run on computers. Because software runs on computer hardware, software programs often have system requirements that list the minimum hardware required for the software to run.
Stands for "High Definition Televsion." HDTV is a high-quality video standard developed to replace older video formats often referred to as SDTV (standard definition television). While HDTV's video quality is one of the most noticeable improvements over SDTV, HDTV includes a number of other important improvements as well.
First of all, the HDTV signal is digital. Instead of an analog signal, used by traditional NTSC broadcasts, HDTV is always digital. This eliminates analog interference caused be electrical currents and magnetic fields. Secondly, HDTV uses a different aspect ratio than SDTV. While previous broadcasts used a 4:3 ratio (4 units wide for every 3 units tall), HDTV uses a ratio of 16:9. This wider aspect ratio more closely emulates how humans see the world, making the image appear more realistic. This ratio is also better for watching widescreen movies, which are recorded in widescreen for the same reason.
True to its name, high definition television offers a much higher resolution than standard definition video. While a typical analog broadcast in the U.S. contains a maximum of 525 horizontal lines of resolution, an HDTV signal supports up to 1080. The three formats used by HDTV are 1080i (interlaced), and 720p and 1080p (progressive). HDTV's higher resolution produces images that are much finer and contain more detail and more color than previous formats. HDTV also provides a higher-quality digital audio signal than SDTV and supports up to six audio channels compared to the two channels allowed previously.
To watch HDTV, you need an HDTV-compatible television and a means of receiving an HDTV signal. HDTVs come in both 16:9 and 4:3 formats (for backwards compatibility). Some HDTVs include HDTV tuners for receiving over-the-air broadcasts, but others require the receiver to be bought separately. Fortunately, most cable and satellite TV companies offer HDTV-compatible boxes with their digital service plans.
Stands for "Internet Message Access Protocol" and is pronounced "eye-map." It is a method of accessing e-mail messages on a server without having to download them to your local hard drive. This is the main difference between IMAP and another popular e-mail protocol called "POP3." POP3 requires users to download messages to their hard drive before reading them. The advantage of using an IMAP mail server is that users can check their mail from multiple computers and always see the same messages. This is because the messages stay on the server until the user chooses to download them to his or her local drive. Most webmail systems are IMAP based, which allows people to access to both their sent and received messages no matter what computer they use to check their mail.
Most e-mail client programs such as Microsoft Outlook and Mac OS X Mail allow you to specify what kind of protocol your mail server uses. If you use your ISP's mail service, you should check with them to find out if their mail server uses IMAP or POP3 mail. If you enter the wrong protocol setting, your e-mail program will not be able to send or receive mail. For more information about IMAP, check out the IMAP Connection.
Java :
While most of the world uses "Java" as another term for coffee, the computer science world uses it to refer to a programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. The syntax of Java is much like that of C/C++, but it is object-oriented and structured around "classes" instead of functions. Java can also be used for programming applets -- small programs that can be embedded in Web sites. The language is becoming increasingly popular among both Web and software developers since it is efficient and easy-to-use.
Java is a great programming language, but like Reading Rainbow says, you don't have to take my word for it. Sun Micorsystems describes Java as a "simple, object-oriented, distributed, interpreted, robust, secure, architecture-neutral, portable, high-performance, multithreaded, dynamic, buzzword-compliant, general-purpose programming language." And it removes stains like magic.
JavaScript :
Like Java, this is a programming lanuguage designed by Sun Microsystems, in conjuction with Netscape, that can be integrated into standard HTML pages. While JavaScript is based on the Java syntax, it is a scripting language, and therefore cannot be used to create stand-alone programs. Instead, it is used mainly to create dynamic, interactive Web pages. For example, Web developers can use JavaScript to validate form input, create image rollovers, and to open those annoying pop-up windows. Like so many other things, we have to take the good with the bad.
Joystick :
A joystick is an input device commonly used to control video games. Joysticks consist of a base and a stick that can be moved in any direction. The stick can be moved slowly or quickly and in different amounts. Some joysticks have sticks that can also be rotated to the left or right. Because of the flexible movements a joystick allows, it can provide much greater control than the keys on a keyboard.
Joysticks typically include several buttons as well. Most joysticks have at least one button on the top of the stick and another button in the front of the stick for the trigger. Many joysticks also include other buttons on the base that can be pressed using the hand that is not guiding the stick. Joysticks typically connect to your computer using a basic USB or serial port connection and often come with software that allows you to assign the function of each button.
Since joysticks emulate the controls of planes and other aircraft, they are best suited for flight simulators and flying action games. However, some gamers like to use joysticks for other types of video games, such as first-person shooters and fighting games. Others prefer using the basic keyboard and mouse, with which they are already accustomed to.